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From our farm to your table. 


Fresh Oyster Mushrooms

We cultivate oyster mushrooms in our experimental greenhouse, transforming a process that is normally carried out in a laboratory into a sustainable agricultural activity.


High in protein and nutrients, oyster mushrooms are extremely important in terms of nutrition, and even more so when their production is also nutritious for the planet.

Fresh Pick of the day

As horticultural specialists, we are dedicated to providing our community with a wide range of fresh produce, including a variety of lettuce, kale, cabbage, carrots, onions, chives, cherry tomatoes, beets, herbs, and other seasonal crops. We pride ourselves on offering the highest quality vegetables, carefully grown to ensure maximum flavor and nutrition.

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Seasonal Green Mix

Our Seasonal Green Mix is a versatile solution that makes preparing your meals easy. A combination of 8-9 different leaves, each washed, sanitized and dried, our green mix is the perfect base for your favorite salads and smoothies or the best complement to your stir-fries, sandwiches and wraps. 

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